Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chapter Two "2nd Era - The Age of Dragons - Good Dragons vs Evil Dragons (the birth of the Great Races)"

Dragons fight for dominion over the world. The world is scorched by Dragonfire. The destruction is such, that the Dragons decide to create a servant race, less powerful then they are, in order to decide the fate of the world without destroying it.
The Dragonborn are born.

To bolster their numbers, guided by Sorcery, those allied with the good dragons retire in the most ancient forest, and from the Great Tree of Life the first Eladrin are born.
Those allied with the Evil Dragons retire in the barren deserts, and from a vulcanic rift in the deepest ice the Orcs are born.

The Evil dragons enslave the orcs, and use them as a start to create more horrible humanoid races (giants, goblinoids, lizardfolk etc.)

The Good Dragons teach the Eladrin the rudiments of Magic through Sorcery.
The eladrin approach Magic in a different way, creating Wizardry.

The Evil Dragons foster their humanoid armies in their territories, in the bogs, the swamps, the glaciers, the deserts, and the basalt plains, preparing to attack the eladrin. The Orcs breed fast, and their force seems overwhelming for the Eladrin.

As they created the eladrin from the Great Tree, the Good Dragons and the Dragonborn create new races from the wonders of the world, in order to fight the rising power of the Orcs.

From the forests, spawn elves, stealthy hunters and trackers.
From the mountains, spawn dwarves, hardy fighters and miners.
From the hills, spawn gnomes, cunning librarians and lore-masters.
From the plains, spawn halfings, quick of fingers, and expert farmers.
The great armies of the good races fight against evil hordes of orcs, goblins, giants.

Both armies achieve victories and losses, the war lasts for a millenia.
From the deep Underdark, the Drow arise to join the evil races.
The Drow change the sorts of battle.

Powerful in their magic as the Eladrin, evil as the Orcs, the Drow conquer the good races.
Eladrin retire in the forests of the world, protected by their magic. The other races, good and evil, are enslaved by the Drow.

The culture of the Drow rises, and they come to believe to be the Chosen of the World. They erect great temples to the Spider Queen, claiming to possess divine powers.

The world lingers in Darkness.


Thomas said...

4E continuity question:

The Elves and Eladrin are 2 actual different races in this piece you just mentioned 'Elves'.

The wild and green elves from 3.5 became known as just Elves and the Gold and Gray (Moon) Elves became the Eladrin.

Did the ones to learn Sorcery become the Elves and the ones to develop Wizardry the Eladrin?

Delazar said...

Well, all this was written when 4E wasn't out yet, so I guess we need a bit of "tweaking" to reflavor for this new edition.

The best would be to have something that fits both editions, or even better, all editions, but that's probably too much to ask.

What would your idea be?