Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chapter Three "The Arrival of Men"

Across the Great Sea, huge ships appear on the horizon. On them are the First of Men.
Barbarians they are, with no knowledge of Arcane magic, yet with great potential.
They bring with them Athun, their religion, their Warrior God.

They seem to share many characteristic of the other races. The mix of them, makes them a very adaptable race.
They settle on the continent, avoiding the evil races.
The eladrin notice their potential, and their divine powers so similar to those of the Drow, and take them under their protection.

Humans learn magic from the eladrin, hunting from the elves, mining from the dwarves, science from the gnomes, farming from the halfings.
They are quick learners, and are driven to excel by the shortness of their lives.
They build in the open, with magic and engineering.
They build villages, and communities, and towns, on the edge of the forests of the elves, or under the great mountains of the dwarves.

The Drow notice the rising power of the Humans. Sure to be able to crush the good races, they bring the fight to the humans.
The good races rebel, and join the armies of the humans. The Drow are quite sure they can crush goodness once again.
But Humans aren't GOOD. They are not bound by the honor of the good races, and fight with cunning and tricks.

They show the cruelty of the orcs, the stealth of the goblins, the strenght of the giants.
Their God pushes them to excel, for Athun is not only the God of War, but first and mostly the god of Victory.The Evil Dragons join the fray, good Dragons do the same. The world is again scorched by Dragonfire.

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