Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter One "1st Era - The Age of the Divine - Celestials vs Fiends"

Heaven and Hell battle for dominance. From this war, the World (Tyrrah) is born. The great power of the Outsiders generates a Cataclysmic event that shuts down the connection with Heaven and Hell. The essence of Hell is sent deep underground, creating the Underdark.

The essence of Heaven is shot to the sky, eventually falling as rain on the worlds, creating great seas.

The combined power of the Outsiders, mixed with the very earth of the world, generates the Dragons.

Cut off from their Divine Realms, Celestials and Fiends gradually degenerate into Devas and Tieflings, humanoid races blessed with Heavenly or Hellish powers.

The greatest of the Immortal Outsiders linger and rule their race.

Celestials retire in a Oasis kingdom deep in the south, while Fiends rule the coldest reaches of the north.

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