Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chapter Four "3rd Era - The Age of Magic - Wizards vs Sorcerers"

But Humans make the difference.

The Drow are pushed back into the Underdark, with their servants.

The alliance of Humans, Eladrin, and all the good races strenghtens.

Great kingdoms of all races grow and fall, while the evil races retire in the deserts, and the swamps, and the glaciers, and all those lands shunned by the winners.
The Dragons, and their Dragonborn allies, settle in the world, The Great Dragon Kingdoms are founded.

A Age of Magic. Eladrin wizards rival the power of the Dragons and their children. Life is made easy by the astonishing magical breakthroughs of the fey. Dragons live in peace, ruling through their mortal servants in the Dragon Kingdoms, tithing the rest of the world.
Fey and Humans of great magical knowledge unite under one banner.

Tired of the dominion of the Wyrmlords sorcerors, the Wizards declare indipendence. War erupts.
The Grand Council of Wizards unleashes its full power on the Wyrmlords. The world is covered by magical fire.


Thomas said...

First mention of humans, how were they created in this world?

Were they the only 'native' humanoid race that didn't get created?
Should this be the case, is there any actual strife between races because of this?

Thomas said...

Ok, posted this before I got to 4 chapter, so now I realize humans are from another continent, but I'm still interested in their creation story. ;)

But I think your chapters are in the wrong order I think, provided they are supposed to be in chronological order.

I think 4 should be before 3?

Delazar said...

indeed, I've fixed that.