Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Skylords of Gryphyn

Heraldic Symbol: Golden Gryphon on Blue
Government: Confederation of Noble Warlords
Capital: Every March has a main city, the Historical Capital of the Island of Gryphyn is Skythrone.
Ruler: Several Noble Skylords, the Head of the Council of Lords for the present 5 years term is Archduke Targyl Beregar.
State Religion: The Skylords are an independet lot, who do not let themselves be ruled by Churches or Gods. The most worshipped gods are Bahamut (nobility), Athun (warriors) and the Light (commoners).

The Council of Lords is composed by the Thane of the Ancestral Clans.

Ancestral Clans of the Skylords:
1. Clan Thengel (Pegasus)
2. Clan Beregar (Griffon)
3. Clan Malazan (Wyvern)
4. Clan Barathes (Hippogriff)
5. Clan Wardys (Manticore)

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