Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Empire of Aduria

Heraldic Symbol: Golden Two-headed Eagle on Imperial Red
Government: Hereditary Empire
Capital: Hammerborg
Ruler: Emperor Rudd Steelthorn, Master of Nine.
State Religion: Imperial Church of Athun.

The Emperor has absolute power, counselled by the Senate

Noble High Houses of Aduria, Members of the Senate:

House Thorion (Imperial Family), Empress Lorelei, wife to the Emperor
House Mercadior (Military), Exalted General Aramus (MIA)
House Nymeros (Military), High Admiral Kellhia
House Jaghot (Military), Grand Sky-Marshal Aegnian "Hightower"
House Ghalladoth (Law), Lord Parthian
House Serapheos (Trade), Lord Marcurio
House Fallmoth (Church), Bishop Talleon
House Merthan (Intelligence), Lord Shien
Archmage Runescroll (Arcane Counsellor)

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