Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oneiros, the Eternal Riddle

Alignment: Unaligned
Holy Symbol: A Scroll with Mysterious Runes
Portfolio: Trickery, Illusion, Dream, Love.

4E PHB Equivalent: Sehanine

5E Domains: Trickery

Into the Silent Desert, an ancient ruin arose from the shifting sands. In the ruins, a scroll was found, and on that scroll was written the Eternal Riddle. The first prophet of Oneiros claimed to have deciphered the Riddle, but the ancient language of the papyrus has been lost to Men. All those that try to decipher it, turn mad, or are forever lost in the Illusion of Truth.

No one knows if Oneiros is the name of the ancient ruins, of the prophet, or of a divine power. All that it is known, or actually, believed, is that Life is Illusion, and Dreams are the shaped Reality.

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