Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Imperial Church of Athun

Alignment: Unaligned
Holy Symbol: Golden Hammer on Red
Portfolio: Victory, Human Culture, Honor

4E PHB Equivalent: Kord

5E Domains: Tempest, War

Thunder echoes across the countryside. Threatening dark clouds tumble down from the frozen north. Rain lashes the shores, while reavers on dragon-prow ships scour the seas, searching for glory, battle, and plunder. Smoke and death drifts on the wind, carrying with them the sounds of clashing steel and death cries from the fallen. And in all these things is Athun— he who is named Storm Father, Lord of Battle, and Warmaster.

Athun is no god for the faint of heart. Weakness has no place in the Storm Father’s eyes. Athun demands prowess, courage, and strength in his followers, but he offers much in return—with power and glory at the forefront. For all his ferocity, Athun is not wanton in his destruction—such slaughter is best left to lesser gods. Wisdom tempers his wrath, and he is quick to offer mercy to those who admit they are less than he. In this way, Athun is an honorable warrior, but he is also no fool. Those who cross him find swift and final death because Athun brooks no betrayal and punishes all who wrong him and his own.

To be accepted into Athun’s service requires much from the petitioner. A devotee must demonstrate strength, courage, and ferocity—qualities Athun respects. Moreover, candidates must display devotion to excellence in all they do. Often, priests undergo punishing rites and trials to test their endurance. They might quest against the Warmaster’s enemies, withstand brutal beatings by elder priests, and spend countless hours training with myriad weapons. Those who fail are never scorned, but they are praised for their willingness to try. Those who succeed are welcomed with great celebration into the Battle Lord’s retinue.

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