Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cult of the Black Moon

Alignment: Evil
Holy Symbol: Black Moon on Purple
Portfolio: Domination, Darkness, Undeath, Murder

5E Domains: Death, Trickery, War

The Cult of the Black Moon is an ancient force that has plagued Tyrrah since the Dawn of Time. The Cult is banned in most lands, and only in Xogotha, the Devilish City of the North, the priests of this infamous cult are allowed to walk freely, and thrive.

The Black Moon seeks to enslave all the lands of Tyrrah, and will use any means, Devilish, Demonic, Undead, or monstrous to achieve its plans.

Some cults do not venerate the Black Moon as a whole, but prefer to focus on one particular aspect, represented by on of the Six Unholy Archons of the Black Moon:

Asmodeus is the evil Unholy Archon of the Nine Hells. He is patron of the powerful, archon of tyranny and domination, and the commander of devils.

Bane is the evil Unholy Archon of war and conquest. Militaristic nations of humans and goblins serve him and conquer in his name.

Gruumsh is the chaotic evil Unholy Archon of destruction, lord of marauding barbarian hordes. Where Bane commands conquest, Gruumsh exhorts his followers to slaughter and pillage. Orcs are his most fervent followers.

Torog is the evil Unholy Archon of the Underdark, patron of jailers and torturers. Common superstition holds that if his name is spoken, the King that Crawls will burrow up from below and drag the hapless speaker underground to an eternity of imprisonment and torture.

Vecna is the evil Unholy Archon of undead, necromancy, and secrets. He rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret.

Zehir is the evil Unholy Archon of darkness, poison, and assassins. Snakes are his favored creation, and the yuan-ti revere him above all other gods.

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